Thursday, August 24, 2006

“I Am A Professional”

It was a cloudy dreary winter afternoon when we left Paris Airport. There was bit snowfall outside and atmospheric temperature was down to twelve degree in negative in Mercury Scale. That day the Lufthansa officials were bit strict unlike other days. The reason was quite obvious. The home coming crowd after a long vacation in Christmas were carrying more luggage than expected. Even by paying extra charge many were not allowed to check in more bags and majority of the crowd were disappointed while dumping their valuables purchased from Paris. But i was fortunate enough to get the window seat and looking around to find pair of envious eyes upon my self satisfaction. Already the air-bus was late by two hours and another half hour was delayed further arranging the big extra bags. It was most packed journey I had ever met in my life. After a short announcement by captain, we were all set to take to the air. I was terribly tired after a restless travel for five days at a stretch and when the sleeping beauty came in and i surrendered before her, i didn't remember. Suddenly a big announcement opened my eyes. When i looked around I found all are praying God. It seemed as if some terribly bad happened. When I asked what's wrong, I was told that some problem with the airbus due to effect of the atmospheric conditions and we were heading for an emergency landing. No sooner I got this information, there was a big bang. O No. There was a fire inside the plane. In a minute i was having the safety devices and oxygen mask with me. The plane was vibrating like anything and soon all were instructed to jump as there was no alternatives as plane had already damaged by fire. I was sure that it was my last travel in my life while jumping down from the door. I had closed my eyes with a hope that i won't be able to see my own death in opened eyes. How much time i remained in the air I didn't remember but when i opened my eyes, to my utter surprise I was alive, lying near the bank of the big sea. With wounds all over, I had barely enough energy to stand on my own. While looking around, I found a little man starring at me. It felt as if he was in his same position for a long time. With small height, grey haired, robust build body, he looked like country man who had adopted the modern changes. A ray of hope energised me. At least i am not in no man's land. "Hey, you!!” He was calling me. He was speaking English even. My happiness reached no bound. He asked me "From where have u come from?" He continued,” Do you know where you are right now?" Its the land of Baltimore Ulaska- The devine land. I had always the impression than my geography was very good. I had always topped in world geography in my college days, so from where this divine land came, I had barely any information about. The stout person's name was Gyaro. Gyaro told me "Don't be surprised as i will explain you every bits about our land. Come with me". I had no other options than to follow him. Gyaro was carrying a remote control with him, which was thrice the size of normal remote control for electronic devices."Do you know this device?" Gyaro was pointing to his remote."Its called zypton.Unlike remote control we were using in old times,which was using digital signal processing, this devices use opto-electronic super high frequency phase shift methodology. With this devices various digital and analog devices can be controlled by superimposing stationary frequencies with the normal phase shift. In lay man's language all possible frequency variations can be met with this device. Forward block management coverage of the device caters the frequencies, that are yet to be generated by natural or artificial processes." I was stunned. As I could not catch hold of what he told me. Being an Engineering Graduate, at least i should have heard those terminologies. I was scolding my professors in my mind who were unfair not to teach all the details during our course curricula. We were slowly moving away from the sea shore. Suddenly he pressed his zypton. There suddenly happened a climatic change across the plane land near the sea. Gyaro kept on saying "The Programmable Logic Array with environmental ladder switch mechanism controls the environment across your territory. The environment you see here is sharable across the objects. The object means you, me ,this zypton, the environment, the sea. The master object is zypton which controls other objects by giving the shared resources in the unit of objects. So you see this climatic change by pressing this button, but at the same time some other person might be seeing something different though his zypton controller. This zypton has a password mechanism which is governed v-CMOS mechanism. You may ask what is v-CMOS? Yes, that is known as variable Cryptographic Metal oxide Semiconductor(v-CMOS). Semiconductor was based on tetravalancy of carbon where v-CMOS uses the variable valence of natural elements. The function of the v-cmos solely depends on the power xylematic fluid from the fibre plant. Again you will ask what is power xylematic fluid. It’s similar to xylem tissues found in the shell of the plants but hybridising with self tissues by applying some helium granules at super conductive temperature. The advantages of the power xylematic fluid are many, one of which i explained now only." I was mesmerised. How such a scientist remained unnoticed from the whole world. Gyaro kept on saying," By using v-CMOS the password of the zypton remains authenticated by one user. It uses the touch authentication methodology and easily recognises my fingers even if I wear gloves while typing in the passwords. If someone by any means tries to hack the passwords then variable CMOS easily recognises the same and issues the antivirus which travels in the air by using super power digital signal processing (SPDSP). You won't believe that took almost 50 years for Edwin Huxley to develop the technology. With the zypton you can control day and night, your appetite, your sleep, covering habitat and above all the birth control. But only thing that we have left in this zypton is control over death, and that was done intentionally.
We use this zypton for mutating the objects to create the extinct objects like Dinosaurs. Now we have fifty of them with us. We control the time machine and zypton does it all by pressing a button. So we can move in the past and revolve in our history." I was listening very eagerly. What this man was telling me? "Who are you? Are you a scientist who is living in this deserted land?" Gyaro turned back," Neither i am a scientist nor you are in deserted land. You only can't see the live objects as I have pressed the invisible options for them. Then he presses the button." To my utter surprise i found many cosy and beautiful faces around me. Some were taking sun bath near sea shore, some busy with adventurous games inside and still rest playing volleyball. I was speechless. "Now listen", Gyaro told me again."I am not a scientist. I am a beggar over here who doesn't have so much money to do soul implantation. So i preferred travelling through the past through my time machine installed in the zypton. There i saw you meeting the death after a sever plane crash. You were 200 years behind as today is 22nd Dec of 2204. I captured your soul and then modulated that to existing environmental setup. So you become alive again. But you know I am a professional. I don't do anything without any reasons. Now you have to give me your soul and i will decompose your dead body after extracting the soul." My eyes became wide open. I was not saying anything - trembling with fear. Suddenly I felt as if someone kicked me on my back. Hey it’s my friend Mano. So it was a dream as I could realise that i was lying over the floor after i fell down from the bed after that deadly dream. Oh No!! I survived. I was consoling myself while drawing a parlance between the dream and my reality.

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