Thursday, August 24, 2006

“ Looking Inside –An Introspection ”

Have u ever felt that climate has its effect on our daily
behaviour? I have heard in stories that Abraham Lincoln was
brave as he was born near country side . Daffodils was inspired
by the atmospheric effect on WordsWorth . But every time I was
reading some stories like this I was just telling myself not to
put much brain into the same as those are only stories, nothing
else . But when the same thing happened to me, I was convinced
that we r just minuscule in the hands of natural processes which
guide our all actions. Till other day I was too much
frustrated. I didn’t have calling card to call anyone ,didn’t
have lanID to connect to network and phone was not responding to
my RAS VPN Id ,food stuffs that I cooked was too bad to taste
,there was no good movie on television ,no one to talk even etc
etc.In brief I can say that the day was one of the very bad days
in my life . I went to bed around 9 pm.The best thing I find
within me is that whenever I am angry over anything, I just feel
too much of sleepy and things just settle down after that .While
lying over bed, I was remembering that little story which I had
ever read in my childhood about the Life of a Prisoner ,who got
lots of pleasure by freeing the birds from the cage ,on his way
back home after spending a long time in Jail . I was just trying
to console me ,but in vain . When the sleeping beauty came to me
and I fell asleep, I don’t remember. When I got up ,I found
alarm clock was ringing , telling me to start a new day with
smile . With eyes half open and half closed I was pushing myself
towards the bath room .I was just thinking about that 5 year old
son of the Cramers family in the Movie Crammers Vs Crammers
(that was English version of Akele hum Akele Tum which had own 5
Oscars in a row) who used to help himself after his mother left
his father in the wilderness to get more personal recognition .
I saw that movie twice in airbus during my travel to US. Anyway
I could help myself take my bath and then asked the taxi to be
there by 7:30 .It was 6:30 am by then . Then I cooked my
breakfast . It was 2 pieces of hotdog, 2 bread slices, a cup of
milk and a banana . By the time I finished, the cab person was
already at my place . I don’t know, but I was feeling very good
.As if some good things were in stored for me- was coming to my
mind again and again. When I came outside my apartment , it was
all white .Everywhere it was snowy . I could not believe my eyes
.The walking streets, the cemented chairs nearby park ,the roofs
of all houses, the branches of the tress all were decorated in
an uniform colour . I had always longed to see that natural
white . But I could be able to see that in my life ,I had never
thought of. When the flickering light of the Cab fell on my eyes
, I could realise that I was just starring around forgetting
that I was about to leave for the office and the cab person was
waiting for me . When I looked at my shoes it was half white by
then . O!! No! If there were no office ! I was just telling me

while pushing myself through the doors of the CAB. The driver
was asking me the route and me looking at the beauty outside .
It was such an amazing site that I was not interested to talk to
driver .Instead I was interested to reach office late so that I
could get more time in deriving the pleasure. I was feeling as
if some white pearl was being dropped from sky . I was feeling
bit cold but at the same time feeling very good . When I reached
office I could see the all the cars in our office was white too
. It seemed as if all of the office staff were forced to paint
their cars white by overnight by some official instructions . It
was a good sight .Now feeling good within me I entered the
office premises . In the day I took a couple of snaps ,
executed some official tasks ,had my lunch at Canteen , used the
Tornado Settlement area twice( I had not used that for last
three days) and came back to my seat and felt like writing
something. This is the article which came out of the same .
Things have not changed since yesterday . I still don’t have
calling card to call anyone ,don’t have lanID to connect to
network and phone not responding to my RAS VPN Id ,noone to talk
even .But this time I am not so unhappy over anything . Things
have changed . The cherubic smile of the white beauty had her
magical touch on my mind and my mind is ruling my bodily
existence . I solved few official problems out here . Impressed
one lady here with whatever little skills that I have in Unix
.OOPs!!! Now ready to leave office .While closing my windows on
my system I am asking to me ,what is the difference between
yesterday and today ? Why I was unhappy the other day and today
so happy? Yup!!! ,I got the answer .Its the way I looked into
everything. Life is governed by the way we want it to be
governed . We are the reasons behind our happiness .That day I
was unhappy as I wanted to be unhappy . I was complaining about
everything and problems kept on accumulating .The final outcome
– A line of frustration .Now today I tried to be happy and happy
I am . Happiness is not bounded by materialistic pleasure , its
chanellised by the way we feel about the same . Now even I am
happier . I have found a new means to keep myself happy –Looking
inside . I was looking outside world for happiness ,but only
adding to my sorrows . Now I have started looking inside and the
things have changed .

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